We must keep the pressure on to persuade the new Government to act decisively and address this important matter of health & quality of life. I therefore invite you to sign the following e-petition, which I am sponsoring, in support of Bill C-218.
I need your support to have your voices heard in Parliament. Here is a link to the e-petition (e-187) on Parliament’s website:
I invite you to share this link as broadly as possible by emailing it to your friends and the community.
The e-Petition is posted on the parliamentary website until June 18th, 2016, after which it will no longer be available for signature. Until then, we must gather as many signatures as possible to make sure that the government takes this issue seriously. The House of Commons will keep your names and contact information confidential and purge all records after the electronic petition is tabled in Parliament.
For those of you who do not have access to the Internet, I’d be happy to forward you a paper petition that you could circulate and mail back to my office, postage free.
If you would like me to keep you posted about this issue, please indicate this by providing my office with your name, and contact information
Thank you again for your support in our battle to give local residents a good night’s sleep,
Peter Julian, MP