As always, we serve the constituents of New Westminster-Burnaby with resources, questions and concerns regarding federal departments and agencies. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with our office with your concerns. Due to the rising COVID cases, we encourage you to reach our Constituency Office team by email [email protected] and telephone: 604-775-5707. In-person appointments can be arranged when necessary, but are subject to change according to the most recent health regulations.
Please note that we are handling emergency cases first. This may result in longer response times when you contact us.
Stay informed about the COVID-19 and the precautions to be taken: The Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Centre for Disease Control.
Please be assured that despite this triage we always give the highest priority to messages from the residents of New Westminster–Burnaby. Be sure to tell us what issues you are concerned about, as well as your first and last name, and mailing address, including postal code.
COVID-19 Resource Guide:
Travel Advice Resources:
Government of Canada Travel Advisories
Government of Canada Travel Restrictions
Federal Government Financial Support Resources:
Government of Canada COVID-19 Financial Assistance for Canadians Outside of Canada
Government of Canada Economic Plan & How to Apply for Support
COVID – 19 Employment and Social Development Canada Information Guide
Canada Revenue Agency COVID-19
Provincial Government Financial Support Resources:
BC Preparedness Response
Income Assistance
Income Assistance Offices in the Lower Mainland
Health & Preparation Resources:
COVID-19: Being prepared
Government of Canada Symptoms & Treatments
BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool
HealthLinkBC & 811
Other Useful Links:
World Health Organization Myth Busters
World Health Organization Public Advice
Government of Canada, Community-based Measures