IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Will the Liberals keep their promise to crack down on this loophole in the next budget?

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Context : Supplementary Question

    Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP): Mr. Speaker, we are giving him a chance to join us today. Last year, Parliament adopted a NDP motion on cracking down on the stock option tax deduction loophole that costs Canadians a billion dollars a year. Seventy-five of Canada's wealthiest CEOs pocket half-a-billion dollars alone on this giveaway. That is $6 million each.

    Meanwhile, Canadians lack affordable housing, pharmacare, child care, and drinkable water in hundreds of communities. Will the Liberals join with us, keep their promise from 2015, and crack down on this loophole in the next budget?

    Hon. François-Philippe Champagne (Minister of International Trade, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, it is not by asking the same question that they will get a different response. What I said was really clear. This is the government that has put tax fairness at the centre of our actions. We have invested more than $800 million in the Canada Revenue Agency, because we believe in tax fairness and combatting tax evasion. This is what our government stands for, and I would hope the member on the other side would recognize that, and work with us to make sure we eradicate that in Canada.


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