IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Will Minister Oliver retract his comments denying climate change?

    Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, it is obvious the minister is mired and he expects Canadians to figure it out on their own, when he could not understand the forms even with an entire department helping him. On top of that, the minister has not retracted his comments denying climate change. He said:

I think that people aren't as worried as they were before about global warming of two degrees...scientists have recently told us that our fears (on climate change) are exaggerated.


    Is it appropriate for the Minister of Natural Resources of a G8 country to be a climate-change denier?

    Hon. Peter Kent (Minister of the Environment, CPC): Mr. Speaker, our government takes very seriously the reality and the science of climate change. That is why we are taking urgent sector-by-sector regulatory action to reduce GHGs.

    This House will recall that under the previous Liberal government GHG emissions grew by over 30%. By their incoherent and costly proposed policies, there is no reason to expect to believe that the New Democrats would do any better. I remind this House again, this is the first Canadian government to actually reduce GHGs.

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