IN THE HOUSE - Private Member's Motion M-84 - hate neutralizing strategy

43rd Parliament, 2nd Session

M-84 — May 10, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should immediately counteract all forms of hate and all forms of discrimination, hate crimes and incidents of hate by:

(a) working with provinces, territories, municipalities and community-based organizations to put into place a reporting and tracking system for hate crimes and incidents of hate to ensure accurate tracking;

(b) launching a robust public education campaign across Canada, focused on understanding and behavioural change, that would clearly define inappropriate behaviours and communicate the terrible impacts of systemic racism and the serious impact of racist actions, gestures and verbal abuse, and encouraging Canadians to stand up for others when someone is being targeted;

(c) ensuring that comprehensive victim services are available to all those who are victims of hate crimes or hate incidents;

(d) working to eliminate harmful images and stereotypes present in media and cinema;

(e) strengthening all legislation against hate and introducing amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act to ensure that hate speech no longer occurs with impunity; and

(f) ensuring that all federal government agencies and institutions consider the prevention of discrimination and the promotion of diversity as guiding principles of their work.

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