IN THE HOUSE ~ Tabling of Private Member's Bill C-358 on Fair Trade

(the full translated text will be made available ASAP once the House of Commons blues are published)

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Peter Julian (New Westminster-Burnaby):

Context : Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Bill C-358. Introduction and first reading

    Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP) moved for leave to introduce Bill C-358, An Act to provide for fair, democratic and sustainable trade treaties.

     He said: Mr. Speaker, I am so pleased to present today the fair, democratic and sustainable trade act, which is a true progressive and environmental approach to international trade.

    Comme la Chambre le sait, souvent, dans le passé, des gouvernements ont présenté des projets de loi sur le commerce international qui n'étaient ni démocratiques ni équitables.

    This legislation would change that, and would bring in a trade framework that meets with the progressive Canadian values of transparency, democracy, and fairness.

    Il est maintenant le temps pour le Canada de montrer du leadership et de l'innovation en ce qui concerne les traités démocratiques et le commerce équitable.

    Now is the time for a fair, democratic, and sustainable approach to trade and fair, democratic, and sustainable trade treaties. I hope all members of Parliament will support this important legislation.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed) 

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