IN THE HOUSE ~ SIGN E-PETITION - on proposed expansion of Fraser coal facility

Coal dust is a known health hazard, containing toxins such as lead, sulphur, and mercury.

My office has been receiving a steady flow of complaints over the years from constituents, demonstrating a serious concern in our community regarding the health and environmental effects of the proposed expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks facility in the Port Metro Vancouver area. Fraser Surrey Docks is proposing to expand coal exports to ship up to eight million metric tonnes of US thermal coal.

I need your support to have your voices heard in Parliament.

If you are worried about what the approval of shipping US thermal coal from the Fraser Surrey Docks will do to the water we drink and the air that we breathe, please sign the following e-petition (e-186) to Parliament here:

The e-Petition is posted on the parliamentary website until June 15th, 2016, after which it will no longer be available for signature. I invite you to share this link as broadly as possible by emailing it to your friends and others in the community.

If you would like me to keep you posted about this issue, please indicate this by providing my office with your name, and contact info.

Peter Julian, MP

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