IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Will there be changes to the net benefit test before the Nexen deadline on November 9?

M. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NPD): Monsieur le Président, les critiques à l'endroit des conservateurs commencent à fuser de partout.

Maintenant, c'est le Wall Street Journal qui critique le comportement bizarre des

conservateurs concernant les investissements étrangers. Il souligne que les

décisions de ce gouvernement sont sans fondement. Et il y a toujours de

l'incertitude sur la question de l'avantage net, alors que l'échéance du 9

novembre pour la décision concernant la vente de Nexen approche.

Assez, c'est assez. Pourraient-ils nous dire si ces modifications seront faites avant

que la décision ne soit prise, au plus tard le 9 novembre à minuit?

Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the government will follow the Investment Canada Act and all of its provisions determining the net benefit to Canada of proposed reviewable acquisitions.

We will ensure that whatever decision is made will be done in the national interest of Canada.

Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, no where in the Investment Canada Act is there reference to flipping a coin at midnight on a Friday night, after leading a company to believe it is going to be accepted.

After promising a new net benefit for two years, Conservatives may or may not

actually do their work, creating total uncertainty. Markets want certainty.

Canadians want to have a say.

The Calgary Chamber of Commerce says the NDP is right. The Globe and Mail

and The Wall Street Journal says the NDP is right.

The Conservatives are keeping Canadians in the dark with this irresponsible way of decision-making.

Will there be changes to the net benefit test before the Nexen deadline on November 9?

Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the hon. member mentions the flipping of coins. Canadians will not have any coins left to flip after that $21.5 billion NDP carbon tax.

They are asking for change, but the reality is Canadians will not have any change left in their pockets when the NDP carbon tax is through with them.

Our energy sector, our workers, our consumers all agree. The NDP carbon tax would bankrupt this economy and turn back the clock. We will not let it happen.

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