IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Why is the government refusing to crack down on tax havens?

You can watch the video of Peter's question here:

    Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the reality is the Liberals have signed the worst tax haven treaties ever, and they should not be proud of that at all.

    Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into the cannabis industry from some of the world's most notorious tax havens. Liberals say that is okay. The Guardian newspaper reports that Canada is known as the land of snow washing where bad money goes to be laundered, all because of the strange inaction of the government.

    Why is the government refusing to crack down on tax havens? Is it because there are so many Liberal insiders involved? Why are they so irresponsible?

    L’hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau (ministre du Développement international et de la Francophonie, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, notre gouvernement est fermement engagé à lutter contre l'évasion fiscale c'est pourquoi nous avons investi près d'un milliard de dollars dans les deux derniers budgets. L'Agence est maintenant en mesure d'évaluer le risque de toutes les grandes multinationales et chaque année elle examine toutes les transactions au-dessus de 10 000 dollars dans quatre juridictions.

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