IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Why are Conservatives not allowing public consultations on Nexen?

M. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NPD): Monsieur le Président, pour le manque de respect envers la démocratie, les conservateurs ne sont presque jamais tombés aussi bas.

Nous sommes tous préoccupés qu'une journaliste du Selkirk Record ait perdu

son emploi parce qu'un député conservateur a dérogé aux lignes de communication officielles du premier ministre sur Nexen. La liberté de presse est un pilier fondamental d'une démocratie forte.

Pourquoi les conservateurs refusent-ils de laisser les Canadiens s'exprimer librement sur Nexen? Pourquoi faire subir la politique de la terre brûlée à ceux qui

veulent chercher la vérité, un outil important dans notre société?

Hon. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), CPC): Mr. Speaker, this proposed transaction will be scrutinized very closely. The views of a variety of stakeholders will be considered including those submitted by Canadians. We welcome foreign investment that is in the best interests of Canadians.

Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, we have received tens of thousands of emails and letters about Nexen including from Conservatives which agree with the NDP position on this and say the Conservatives should be listening to the public. The Winzoski affair takes this to a whole new level. The member for Selkirk—Interlake says he: “strongly opposes the deal� but he also says “there is little that can be done to stop it�.

Why are Conservatives not allowing public consultation? Why are Conservatives so afraid of dissenting voices and why must a journalist lose her job because of the mess the Conservatives have created on Nexen?

Hon. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), CPC): Mr. Speaker, the NDP is opposed to every initiative to increase trade. In fact the NDP trade critic says they are opposed because “unions do not want it�. On this side of the House we listen to Canadians and we will act in the best interests of


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