Thursday's report. “Certain state-owned enterprises have pursued opaque
agendas. When they seek to acquire control over strategic sectors of the
Canadian economy, they can represent a threat to Canadian security interests�.
Will the minister put aside his talking points and acknowledge legitimate concerns, including from his own caucus? Why will they not consult with Canadians?
Hon. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), CPC): Mr. Speaker, let me respond to the member's talking point. There is a process in place to review this transaction and determine net benefit for Canadians, as always.
This transaction will be scrutinized very closely, but we will have no lessons to
take from the NDP, whose reckless economic policies will deter investment, kill
jobs and hurt Canadian families.
Everyone knows that the NDP is against all trade, including the free trade agreement with the United States.