IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ taxpayer-funded online promotional videos featuring the Prime Minister

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M. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NPD): Monsieur le Président, ils ont brisé une promesse et cette promesse vient de la plateforme libérale. La plateforme libérale était claire: un commissaire à la publicité serait nommé pour s'assurer que la publicité gouvernementale ne soit pas partisane. Ce n'est pas ce qu'ils ont annoncé hier. Ils ont attendu six mois et dépensé des millions de dollars en publicité gouvernementale, comme les conservateurs l'ont toujours fait.

Quand est-ce que le gouvernement va respecter son engagement pour un commissaire à la publicité?

Hon. Bardish Chagger (Minister of Small Business and Tourism, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I encourage Canadians to have a look at the Destination Canada's amazing marketing campaign. I am confident that they will be as proud as I am of the work that Destination Canada does in promoting our nation, our culture, our diversity, our cuisine. There is so much that our nation has to offer.

Yesterday's announcement was a “good news� announcement for more open and transparent government. Our advertising rules are in line with the commitment that we promised Canadians. I know Canadians are proud.

Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP): Mr. Speaker, all the talking points in the world do not change the fact that the Liberals broke their promise. These new rules come with a whole bunch of Liberal-sized loopholes. The rules will not apply to taxpayer-funded online promotional videos featuring who? Featuring the Prime Minister.

When will the Liberals admit that this self-promotion on the public dime is not what they promised and not what they advertised last October.

Will they now close all of these self-serving Liberal loopholes?

Hon. Bardish Chagger (Minister of Small Business and Tourism, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Government of Canada took another step to make the government more open, more transparent, and more accountable.

We look forward to working with members in this House.

The policy announced yesterday relates to paid advertising. This video is not paid advertising. We have a Prime Minister who people want to meet and get to know.

This is an exciting time. We should be proud.

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