IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Harper witch hunt against charities continues under Trudeau

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Context : Supplementary Question

    Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP): Mr. Speaker, “We will allow charities to do their work on behalf of Canadians free from political harassmentâ€�. Who said that? Liberals did in their 2015 Liberal platform.

    They have done nothing. Anti-poverty charities raised concerns about massive inequalities caused by Liberal policies. Environment charities exposed the Liberal failure on climate change. These truths are embarrassing to the government.

    Is that why the Harper witch hunt against charities is suddenly so convenient for the government?


    Ms. Kamal Khera (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, as I just stated, our government understands the important role charities play in our society, and we have actually listened to the sector's concerns.

    As I have mentioned, and as mentioned by my colleague and the minister's mandate letter, we are committed to letting charities carry out their extremely important work without the fear of political harassment.

     Budget 2018 reiterates our government's commitment to clarifying the rules with respect to political activities. An expert panel was set up to study the issue and it made recommendations to which, in collaboration with the Minister of Finance, we will respond in the coming months.

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