IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ concerning the Veterans charter

    Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives keep attacking veterans in court, and veterans deserve better.

    Yesterday, the Prime Minister referred to the veterans charter as a previous Liberal policy, but his government has been pursuing this policy for the last eight years. We have also learned that the biggest claw back in spending for Veterans Affairs was in health care and disability payments for services veterans sorely need, but the Conservatives overspent by 17% for internal services, propaganda, advertising and executive bonuses. What poor management. It is crazy to keep this minister. Why does he still have a job?

    Mr. Parm Gill (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Affairs, CPC): Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that the opposition is focused on protecting the big government junior jobs at Veterans Affairs, while voting against support for Canadian veterans.

    For example, we on this side of the House have eliminated nearly 100 positions in the veterans independence program by no longer requiring veterans to submit receipts for expenses like snow clearing, yard maintenance and home cleaning.

    We will continue to stand up for Canada's veterans.


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