IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Canadians want public consultations on CNOOC's takeover bid on Nexen

M. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NPD): Monsieur le Président, hier soir, le NPD a organisé un forum public sur les médias sociaux afin de consulter la population sur la vente de Nexen et des milliers de Canadiens y ont participé. On a appris des choses. Les gens en ont assez des secrets des

conservateurs. Ils en ont assez de leur approche irresponsable dans le développement de nos ressources. Ils en ont assez de les voir approuver une

autre acquisition étrangère sans poser la moindre question.

Avant de laisser une compagnie comme CNOOC prendre le contrôle de nos ressources, pourquoi les conservateurs refusent-ils de consulter les Canadiens et les Canadiennes?

Hon. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), CPC): Mr. Speaker, let us be clear about this. On one side of the House we have the radical NDP who would refuse and block all transactions and foreign investment. On the other side of the House we have the Liberal Party who rubber-stamped every transaction.

This Conservative government will always look closely at these transactions and only do what is in the best interests of Canadians and this nation.

Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, those Conservatives refused and blocked any consultation with the Canadian public,

and that is wrong.

Yesterday, we were consulting with Canadians. We hosted a twitter townhall and we took the time to listen to Canadians. Let me tell you, Mr. Speaker, Canadians--

Some hon. members: Oh, oh.

The Speaker: Order, please. Order, please. The hon. member for Burnaby—New Westminster has the floor. We will have a little bit of order, please. The hon.


Mr. Peter Julian: Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives get very angry when we talk about consulting with Canadians. We think it is the right thing to do.

Canadians are hopping angry. They want to know why energy resources are being sold off to a Chinese state-owned company without any consultation.

Canadians want public consultation. Preston Manning wants public consultation. Even John McCain wants public consultation.

We consult. We listen. Why will the government not do the same?

Hon. Gary Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), CPC): Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the NDP for finally get up and learning how to use these social medias for once. It does remind me a little bit about close encounters of the third grade here sometimes.

However, I can tell the House is that Canadians all know that the NDP members are against all foreign trade. They would simply block all advantages for this great

country, and the Liberal Party on the other hand just rubber-stamped


I can assure the House that the minister is looking at these transactions with great scrutiny. We will do what is in the best interests of Canadians, as we always


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