IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Canada's Veterans

Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the irony is that veterans will never believe Conservative promises again because Canadians expect some contrition and shame from this minister. The case workers who were fired by the minister were front-line workers who were helping veterans.

    The Conservative government has closed nine regional offices and has fired 1,000 people who helped veterans. It even took $1 billion which was authorized by Parliament for the needs of veterans out of the hands of veterans.

    When will this Conservative decade of darkness for veterans end? When will the government start helping veterans instead of hurting veterans?

    Hon. Julian Fantino (Minister of Veterans Affairs, CPC): Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to state that we on this side of the House know that if veterans have the tools they need to transition to civilian life the chances for them to succeed are increasingly improved. That is why our government has invested in new research to design more effective treatments for Canadian veterans. We are partnering with mental health organizations, the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and many others to enable us to provide the kinds of services and support that our veterans and their families need, which we are committed to provide, while the opposition votes against all of these.


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