IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ Calling on the Conservatives to support real sustainable development

    M. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NPD): Monsieur le Président, nous sommes au XXIe siècle et les entreprises ont des obligations réglementaires et aussi des responsabilités sociales. Ces responsabilités s'appliquent également aux projets d'oléoduc de Northern Gateway et de Keystone. Mais plutôt que d'établir des règles claires et précises, les conservateurs ont choisi l'inaction et l'improvisation.

    Quand le gouvernement fera-t-il preuve de sérieux pour protéger nos intérêts commerciaux et environnement et pour protéger la santé des Canadiens? À quand des règles claires pour le développement durable des ressources naturelles?

    Mr. David Anderson (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and for the Canadian Wheat Board, CPC): Mr. Speaker, he knows full well that the Northern Gateway is being reviewed at this point, but I would like to point out a little bit about the NDP.

    Le NPD s'oppose à tous les projets d'exploitation des hydrocarbures. Il s'oppose aux projets miniers. Il s'oppose aux projets d'énergie propre. Il s'oppose à l'énergie nucléaire. Il se prononce même contre le secteur forestier.

    Is there one sector in natural resources that the NDP actually supports?

    Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): We support environmentally and economically-sustainable development, Mr. Speaker.

    These guys have been warned. They have been warned by the environment commissioner saying that failing to make sure that environmental protection keeps pace with resource extraction will endanger Canada's economy. They have been warned by the American ambassador who hinted at the huge political and economic costs of continued climate inaction and they have been warned by Canadians from coast to coast to coast who are standing up against Conservative attacks on environmental protections.

    When will the minister get the message to stop making it up as he goes along and to start protecting our environment and our economy?

    Mr. David Anderson (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and for the Canadian Wheat Board, CPC): Mr. Speaker, when is the NDP going to join with us in trying to create good, skilled, well-paying jobs in communities across Canada? We want to do that while maintaining science-based environmental reviews. We have made that clear.

    Our economic action plan has made Canada a leader in a troubled global economy. The NDP has opposed that at every turn. We have the lowest debt burden by far, we have the strongest job creation in the G7, with over 920,000 new jobs created since July 2009. Why does the NDP oppose all of that?

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