IN THE HOUSE ~ Question ~ another massive privacy breach at the Canada Revenue Agency

       Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, here is another shocking story where the government has failed Canadians.

    A few minutes ago we learned of another massive privacy breach at the CRA. Hundreds of prominent Canadians had their personal, private financial information leaked. The Canada Revenue Agency has a duty to protect confidential tax information, even from other government departments.

    When Canadians hand over their private information, they expect it to be kept secure. Why are Conservatives failing to keep the private confidential tax information of Canadians safe?

    Hon. Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay (Minister of National Revenue, CPC): Mr. Speaker, this privacy breach is extremely serious and completely unacceptable. I have instructed the CRA to investigate the situation and I can confirm the Privacy Commissioner has been notified. Measures are being taken to notify, support, and protect individuals affected by this breach. Our government understands that Canadians expect their personal information to be protected when dealing with all government departments and agencies.


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