IN THE HOUSE ~ Presenting petitions in support of Bill C-378, An Act to prohibit sweatshop labour goods

    Mr. Peter Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster, NDP): Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present a petition on behalf of dozens of residents from the city of Vancouver in British Columbia. These petitioners call upon Parliament to support Bill C-378 to end sweatshop labour goods from coming into Canada.

    As the House knows, it is estimated that there are about 250 million children worldwide who work in appalling sweatshop conditions. As well, there are also a number of women around the world working in these deplorable conditions. The petitioners call upon the Parliament of Canada to take action against this type of abusive sweatshop labour by adopting Bill C-378.

C-378, An Act to prohibit sweatshop labour goods - Prohibition on Importing Goods Produced by Sweatshop Labour Act :

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