Presenting petitions - all vulnerable children in Canada need equal access to federally funded benefits and support!

Context : Presenting Petitions

Mr. Peter Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby, NDP): Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to present on behalf of Elizabeth Fry Society activists across the country, a petition with several hundred names from New Brunswick. These petitioners, joining thousands of other Canadians, request the Government of Canada to recognize the barriers that exist within their own direct payment system. The federal government currently discriminates against children who are in irregular family situations, irregular meaning their parents may be homeless or incarcerated. They may be being raised by extended members of the family.

What these petitioners from the Elizabeth Fry Society request, as the Elizabeth Fry Society celebrates its anniversary this week, is that discrimination end when it comes to the Canada child benefit and all special allowances for all children.

The Elizabeth Fry Society does good work across the country, as my colleagues know. I am very happy to present this petition that would end discrimination against children in all its forms in federal government services.

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