“It is important for Canadians to send a clear message to the people of Standing Rock that we stand in solidarity with them and all Indigenous People,� said Romeo Saganash, NDP Indigenous and Northern Affairs Critic. "Standing Rock should be a wakeup call to all governments that Indigenous rights are internationally protected and that Indigenous Peoples must be respected."

Romeo Saganash has introduced legislation in Parliament to implement the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples in Canadian law. Saganash spent 23 years at the United Nations negotiating the Declaration which was endorsed by Canada in 2010.

"This proud Sioux community has inspired many Indigenous people across Canada and many other Canadians in the fight for fairness,â€� said Georgina Jolibois, NDP Deputy Indigenous and Northern Affairs Critic.  “The Youth Unity Journey for Sacred Waters group have started their walk from Stanley Mission, in my riding, to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with the peaceful protesters."

NDP MPs Fin Donnelly, Niki Ashton, Cheryl Hardcastle, Brigitte Sansoucy, Sheila Malcolmson and Sheri Benson stood in support of their colleagues in their call to support Indigenous People in their right to protect their land and resources. The show of solidarity by New Democrats is part of a worldwide 5 day campaign of solidarity with Standing Rock.


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