FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ~ NDP secure emergency study of opioid crisis

“Canada is going through a deadly opioid crisis so severe and widespread that few Canadians are untouched by it,� said Davies. “It is imperative that Parliament looks into this crisis and proposes concrete steps the government can take to address the situation,� he added.

Two people die from an opioid overdose every day in B.C and 2000 Canadians are expected to die this year nationally. While the Minister of Health has announced plans to hold a ‘summit’ on the issue this fall, there is a growing perception that this crisis has not be treated with urgency it deserves by the federal government given the growing number of fatalities across the country.

“The committee’s study is the first step in looking into this crisis,� said Davies. “The federal government needs to take leadership on this issue and work with the provinces to develop a strategy to address this public health crisis.�

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